Stepping In.

Karen is busy and once again has asked me to Step In and write a blog.

Even though I’m retired many days go by thinking about when I was in business.  If you are thinking of starting a business, after coming up with what you want to do, you should look for a CPA firm.   In fact even if you’re not thinking of starting a business that’s a good idea.

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Fun things to do.

With the Thanksgiving and Christmas season upon us, it bring so many fun ideas to the front.   It’s of course the time of year where parties are on tap and the reason to hold one is so easy to come up with.   Just to have a get together with one’s friends and of course family members can be planned and pulled off just by saying it’s Turkey Day or it’s Christmas, no one really needs a gold plated invitation.  

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What Gift should I get?

With my wife away, that’s why you are seeing blogs written by me, the backup team, it’s a perfect time for me to think about, even if I had a means of transportation, which I don’t, to go out and look around for the gift of all gifts to give her on Christmas Day.   And if I can’t hold in my excitement, Christmas Eve.  

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This is the Season

It’s going to be several days before Karen is back to take care of writing her blog so in the mean time you are going to get to read stuff from me, the second team.

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Here I am again.

Proving once again that the old saying, “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”, here I am typing away on The View from My Chair.   The second team.

But it’s fun for me to sit here and come up with ideas and add them to Karen’s blog while she’s over in California.

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