Look So Good.

There is no question in my mind that, even though I’m approaching 70, I could purchase several different color singlets and I would Look so good.

In the last year I have dropped many pounds and I am back so close to my weight when I was in High School, I bet you I could wear any of the clothes I had back then if they hadn’t worn out.  I know that I can easily get into the suit that I wore at our wedding in 1999 in San Diego.  That suit is still in my closet and one of these days I’m going to wear it to church on Sunday and have all the other “OLD” men eat their hearts out.

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Joyous Easter


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This is the Season

It’s going to be several days before Karen is back to take care of writing her blog so in the mean time you are going to get to read stuff from me, the second team.

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The Ups and Downs

It’s not so good to watch the news anymore.   Everything is bad as far as the media is concerned.   Especially when you look at the stock market.   I do not own any investments in stocks or bonds so on the one hand I’m not personally affected by all that I hear these days.   However, according to the nightly news everything is bad and people are in panic mode.   When people panic they can be misled into doing foolish things.

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Secret to the Great Life

Sometimes I run across nuggets of pure gold while reading blogs. Here’s one I don’t want to forget and I would also like to share with you from The LPM Blog.

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Wind Whipped

Today was our church picnic and it was a beautiful, cool afternoon except for the 20 mile an hour wind gusts.   We had a blast eating hot dogs, hamburgers and an assortment of side dishes.  

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