Puffin Away

Spent several days, different times here in Scottsdale in the hospital and now that I have been home for close to two weeks and getting more or less back to normal, I have to tell you that I’d like to take a puff  or two on a cigar from a box of  al capone cigars.


I’m not a smoker but do like the taste of cigars.  Don’t need to be surrounded with other people, just me and my cigar.  If it weren’t so darn hot, been over 100 degrees the past few days, I’d take it out on our patio.

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Idea of the Day.

While reading to wife Karen on our patio yesterday, I had an idea, sparked by the wonderful outdoors here in Arizona this time of year.

I thought of buying a projector and placing a large screen, like at a drive in movie theater of days of my youth in Denver, so that we could enjoy TV each night.  Then I found aluminumbleachersdirect.com for aluminum bleachers, so that I could add space and seats for our friends.

If only Doc Martin was still on the air.

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Look So Good.

There is no question in my mind that, even though I’m approaching 70, I could purchase several different color singlets and I would Look so good.

In the last year I have dropped many pounds and I am back so close to my weight when I was in High School, I bet you I could wear any of the clothes I had back then if they hadn’t worn out.  I know that I can easily get into the suit that I wore at our wedding in 1999 in San Diego.  That suit is still in my closet and one of these days I’m going to wear it to church on Sunday and have all the other “OLD” men eat their hearts out.

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Listening to my Purple GE AM Radio.

There I was, in my room, listening to my GE Purple Tube AM radio with the dial all aglow hearing the music of Les Paul and Mary Ford.  I knew it was them within 3 seconds of their song starting.  It was so unique.

If I would want to attempt to recreate that sound I would have to have an MF epi Les Paul.  I could use my audio mixer and computer to lay down a track or two.  Then I would play DJ for myself.  Oh, what fun!


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Backyard Fantasy

For years I’ve been wanting to do something with our backyard. I have this fantasy where one of those yard makeover shows comes to my house and offers to redo my backyard. I would have water wise landscaping that uses native plants that would not require excessive watering. Of course I would want a beautiful tree, like a  Mesquite tree that provides a nice amount of shade and a place for birds to nest. Then I would like a water fountain where birds could come and drink and I could enjoy the sounds and sights of bubbling water. Outdoor globe string lights would be hanging around a beautiful pergola. It would make for nice evenings. A small little adobe fire pit would be just the thing for those cool winter evenings. Who knows, it might just happen for me.

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Another Conundrum of Life

Why is it when you have absolutely no extra money, and barely enough to pay the bills you have, you get a strong desire to redecorate your house?  First, I decided I wanted to paint the walls because I’m sick of white walls.  Now I’m thinking I need new furniture.  Instead of a sofa we have a futon so I’m thinking it might be best to just change the cover of the futon mattress.  I saw some beautiful sofa slipcovers the other day at one of our local stores (not that I’m actually going to buy anything, mind you) but their selection of futon covers was horrible.  Maybe I could find designer upholstery fabric and have someone make me a custom futon cover?  Any volunteers?

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