Used the Internet

Yesterday I used the internet to contact the church that I attended as a kid growing up in Denver.  To my surprise they had records of our family from back in the late 50s.

I have many memories of attending that church and the Sunday School Classes.

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Gift Idea

I know several Kids, and I bet you they would enjoy a piano for kids .   I know for sure I sure would have.  I did enjoy for a while playing the piano that was in our living room in the house I grew up with in Denver.

It was an upright that when you walked in the front door would be all that you could see.


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Big when I was a DJ

One of the musicians who was big when I was a DJ was Les Paul.  He was such a great artist with his guitar that there is one named after him, gibson les paul supreme .

When I first started I can remember that many songs that I played where by Les Paul and I would get many calls from my listeners who would want to hear more.


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First Thing you Saw.

In the house that I grow up in in Denver when you walked in the front door, the first thing that you saw was an upright piano.

Today if I wanted to recreate that in our house, after moving some furniture around, I would have to  buy 88-key weighted keyboard to keep up with the times.

Then I would have to learn how to play it.

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Love Watches

Here I am again, Karen’s husband Norm, writing a blog.  She is working on a top secret project.

I have always been a fan of watches, TAG Heuer , Rollex, you name it I liked them all.

Back in Denver when I was single, and no real expenses as my car was fully paid for and I was living at home with my Mom and Dad and working full time and going to the University of Denver, I bought watches when ever the mood hit me.



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In the Snow.

I’m sure that Dad and I had warm coats when we walked home from the movie back in Denver as I just blogged about.  Not sure if they were from carhartt coats, but I remember that I was warm, but by the time we did get home my feet, our feet were cold and wet.

The night was fun though, fun now as I remember it and much fun then cause it was a school night, I loved the movie, think it was Brigadoon with Gene Kelly and Dad and I had fun walking in the new show going home.

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