Mechanical Fun with the Dog

This guy was really clever in creating a toy to keep his dog occupied. I’m sure my dog Henry would love it too.

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Going for a New Computer?

I have been thinking of getting a new computer.  The one I have is about seven years old so that means that I’m at least seven models behind what would be considered “State of the Art”.

I know that my present computer would not go for much, even so, I would do what I could to make sure it had a clean hard drive.  I have no intention of letting anyone be able to go through my files.  Not that I have done anything bad or illegal, but it’s none of their business.

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More and More like Star Trek

Have you ever noticed with the advances in technology and the Internet our life is becoming more and more like Star Trek? Granted, we don’t have things like transporters, yet, but I’m able to visit my mother in San Diego while sitting in my house in Scottsdale. She sits at her dining table with her laptop computer and WebCam and I sit at my desktop computer and WebCam in Scottsdale. We hear and see each other as if we were in the same room.

If you think about it, with something like a web conferencing service, you could interact with people all around the world. In some ways it’s almost like a transporter unit. You’re sitting in your location and they are in their locations on the opposite ends of the earth. It’s amazing!

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Back from the Brink

Oh it’s good to be back to my digital life. This past month my computer died and my blog was hacked with malware. You may not have noticed the malware, but it made it difficult to log into my blog and write a post. And not having a computer made blogging and fixing my website all that more difficult. Fortunately, I was able to get a new computer. After much research and contemplation, I was able to successfully remove the malware. Basically I had to remove my entire WordPress installation and install a fresh copy of WordPress. Then I reloaded all of my theme files and tightened my hosting and blog security.

Hopefully things will remain copacetic!

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After two years of pondering and searching for the right e-reader I finally got one!  Thanks to a generous gift from my father for my birthday.  It’s a Kindle touch and I really enjoy using it.  I like it because you can read outdoors and there’s no glare on the screen.  These days I’m using reading glasses so my next purchase will probably end up being Reading Glasses Sunglasses.  I can use my regular reading glasses and wear a hat to block the sun from my eyes, but some days I just don’t like wearing a hat because then I end up with hat hair.  Can not be seen around Scottsdale with hat hair!

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Friend to Friend

Yesterday I went to a friend’s house for lunch and a game of Scrabble. It’s probably been over a year since we’ve had an opportunity for that. We had a fun time visiting and playing the game. She was quite impressed with my Scrabble skills which allow me to win the game. So, I had to admit that I play quite often on my computer. She said she was envious of that. Then I spied her laptop computer sitting in the corner of the room. It was one of those new Acer laptops. I told her I was quite envious of her new laptop, and then I showed her where she could go online to play Scrabble. After all, we are friends. Our next game together might be a little more of a challenge.


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