Vote for Wendy Rogers

“Work hard, follow through” is the motto of Wendy Rogers, candidate for the Arizona District 17 senate seat.   Having first met Wendy over a year ago when she came knocking on my door, I can attest that she wholeheartedly lives that motto.  

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I Want That Job

These days with the economy the way it is and jobs being scarce one would think that employees would think twice before upsetting their employers and getting themselves fired.   Well, apparently, if you’re a city manager, it’s not that big of a deal because you’ll get a fantastic severance package costing over $120,000.

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Wendy Rogers, candidate for Arizona Senate District 17

This evening Norm and I were honored to meet Wendy Rogers.   She’s running for Arizona District 17’s Senate seat.   We talked to her for quite a while and I’m excited by what she is doing.   It’s not easy going door to door when it’s triple digits outside, but anybody who’s going to run for local office ought to meet the people who live in their district.   I like where she stands on the issues and her enthusiasm for using her experiences as a local business owner, Air Force pilot, wife and mother to bring some sensibility to our state legislature.   Check out Wendy’s website for more information.   I’m sure I’ll be blogging about her again.   Stay tuned for updates.

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