Time for a Change

I’m getting tired of my look and I want to make some changes to it but I’m not sure what to do.  My hair is short and I don’t want to grow it out, nor do I want to color it.  Tattoos are not an option as I don’t like needles and is a bit to permanent for me.  I wear glasses and I am getting tired of the frames I have.  Perhaps I should look for cheap eyeglasses?  It would be an inexpensive way to change my look and nothing permanent about it.

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Cheap Fun

OK, before I get too far in this post let me explain about the New Testament challenge posts you haven’t seen.   I’ve decided that while I am continuing to read the chapters each day, I won’t be blogging about it unless there’s something special I want to say.

Now on to something else…

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Matthew 11-12 and Acts 16-18

From Matthew 11:

Jesus said: “Are you tired?   Worn out? Burned out on religion? come to me.   Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.   I’ll show you how to take a real rest.   Walk with me and work with me — watch how I do it.   Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.   I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you.   Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and light.”

Acts 16:

After reading about Paul and Silas praising God and singing at midnight while wearing leg irons in prison, this thought occurs to me.   Praising God in the midst of your troubles not only gives you joy and honors God, but it also is a witness to those around you.   The other prisoners heard and the jailer knew these men had something he wanted.

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Matthew 9-10 and Acts 13-15

Yes, I read the assigned chapters today.   They were good, but nothing in particular stood out for me.

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Matthew 7-8 and Acts 9-12

As I read today’s chapters I noted the following:

Jesus said, “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living.   They are foundational words words to build a life on.”   How true it is!   Chapter 7 of Matthew is definitely full of wise directives on how we should live.

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Matthew 5-6 and Acts 7-9

Observations from Matthew 5-6: there was a lot here in these two chapters from Jesus’ sermon on the Mount.   The following verses really stood out to me today.

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