Cheap Fun

OK, before I get too far in this post let me explain about the New Testament challenge posts you haven’t seen.   I’ve decided that while I am continuing to read the chapters each day, I won’t be blogging about it unless there’s something special I want to say.

Now on to something else…A few nights ago we were driving home from somewhere and it was nice out, which is a change from the usual heat, and we had driven by the Starbucks coffee place.   I noticed the outdoor seating area and thought it would be nice to sit there some evening enjoying the outdoor air and conversation.   Being a coffee lover is a prerequisite, so that might leave me out.

Friday night we stayed home and I was bored.   TV was blah.   Nine o’clock came and I looked at Norm and said let’s do something spontaneous.   He loves it when I do that!   We got in the car, went to Sonic and sat out on their outdoor patio sharing a banana cream pie shake.   Cheap fun with someone I love.   Priceless.


  1. Norm
    Sep 29, 2008

    You is the most fun spontaneous person I knows

  2. Richard
    Sep 30, 2008

    Ah, the memories! One of my favorite shakes, too.

    Reminds me of when I was a strapling, about 6 years old. On Friday nights, in our small town in Missouri, my parents would load my younger sister and me into the family sedan (a 1954 Ford), packing a bag of freshly popped popcorn and a thermos of iced water and four tumblers. We’d drive down to the long parking lot that lined one side of Main Street and watch cars go by. (Main Street in De Soto, MO was a mile long– and totally one-sided, since a railroad ran parallel to the street, leaving about 75 feet between the street and the railroad; the city decided to pave that strip and use it for parking.)

    I must confess that sometimes, I got bored sitting there eating popcorn and drinking iced water (we could not afford Coke), but more often than not I enjoyed these times of talk with the family and seeing an occasional friend or neighbor drive by, and often pull up beside us on the mile-long parking lot. Then, our parents would get out of their cars and sit on the hood or fenders and talk while we kids did what kids did on a lazy summer evening in the Midwest.

    Kind of reminds you of “American Grafitti”, doesn’t it?

  3. GrannyJ
    Sep 30, 2008

    That’s a new kind of shake to me! I do remember from way, way back stopping for curb service at a drug store in a small New Mexico town to have what my mom called frosted root beers. (How’s that for two terms that I’m sure everybody has forgotten by now?) It was a hot day and the family was on its way from Phoenix back to Florida.