All She needs to do is ASK.

As a guest here on The View from My Chair my view is a few feet higher, and a lot of time from behind.     I know a husband’s place.     I do look forward to when Karen asks me to write posts for her.   She gets busy with another project and she knows how much I enjoy pretending I’m Earnest Hemingway.

One thing let’s get clear… I’m not going out that way.

I digress.   I’m here to turn your attention to   lipofuze reviews, especially those of you who want to drop some pounds.   One of the things I like about being alive in this day and age is the fact that it’s so very easy to find items that are helpful to almost every thing in one’s life without ever leaving the four walls of one’s house.

Karen and I like getting out and doing things alone or with friends here in Scottsdale, but I for one like to stay home.   You won’t find me getting up set if the weather outside is either too hot or too cold and the idea of going out is far down the list.

Staying at home… Norm is up for the challenge.   Or, maybe it’s the lack of one.

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