Hello Summer, Goodbye Spring

It reached 97 ° here in Scottsdale today and it’s only April. Yes we are running our air conditioner these days. Winter and spring are the shortest seasons in the Phoenix metro area.

(This is probably the shortest post I’ve ever written.)

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24: Day 5 11:00 P.M.

So I’m eating a peanut butter and red plum jelly sandwich on white bread with potato chips on the side trying to decide what to write about this week’s episode of 24. It was an interesting episode but for some reason nothing momentous standout in my mind. I keep thinking about that poor bank manager’s wife and how they left her tied up at the house. Will they ever go back and rescue her? And now her husband is dead even though he was really helpful to Jack Bauer and Wayne Palmer after he found out they were trying to find out who was behind the assassination of President Palmer. Isn’t it interesting that he was willing to help them once he knew why they were breaking into his bank vault? While we were watching the episode Norm asked me why the bank manager didn’t recognize Wayne Palmer. And no sooner had Norm asked the question we saw the bank manager telling Wayne Palmer that he knew who he was. He must’ve been listening to Norm.

So now that Jack Bauer has the audio recording of Henderson and President Logan discussing the assassination of President Palmer, Henderson is going to do everything he can to get rid of Bauer. I don’t think he will actually be able to kill Bauer because Kiefer Sutherland just signed a deal with Fox for three more years of playing Jack Bauer. It occurs to me however that Henderson may end up killing President Logan instead. According to what we heard in the audio recording Logan said it was clearly Henderson’s idea to assassinate Palmer and he did so without Logan’s knowledge or permission. Henderson said he’s trying to do everything to protect President Logan from the truth of what really happened becoming public, but Henderson has failed every time he has tried to get rid of Bauer. Maybe President Logan will have Henderson taken out?

Now Audrey Raines is bringing her father, the Secretary of Defense, into the whole mess. Can Audrey be trusted? Can her father be trusted? Can anybody on the show be trusted? Chloe is certainly going to get into a lot of trouble when Miles finds out she was the one who disabled their satellite transmission. Also, it looks like Aaron the Secret Service guy has become very suspicious of President Logan. This could be a good thing. Can’t wait to see what happens next! (By the way, my PB and J sandwich was delicious.)

my previous posts
24: Day 5 10:00 p.m.
24: Day 5 9:00 p.m.
24: Day 5 8:00 p.m.
Jack Bauer Cried
Things I Learn While Watching 24
24 and Star Trek

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Our New Pastor, Coffeehouse Tables and Apple Jelly

My wonderful husband Norm and I went to church yesterday as we usually do on Sundays. It was great to have our new pastor preach. He is definitely making some changes and they are very much needed.

One change that I noticed right away was not so much to my liking. We serve coffee and bagels or doughnuts before and after service to facilitate a hospitable atmosphere for getting to know your church family all the better. The food table was moved to another area to allow more room and coffeehouse tables were added. That in itself is great, but what bothered me was that the tables were all too high for someone sitting down to use. There are no chairs with the tables because they are the kind that you stand around. After church I saw pastor Mark standing at one of the tables talking to a lady I know. I went up to the table which came up to my nose and I looked at Pastor Mark and smiled and said that it would be very hard to eat like this. We both laughed and then he suggested that we need to get a couple of shorter tables. Bingo! I didn’t have to say it. This guy is smart and I think he will do well at our church. 🙂

After church we ate at a restaurant nearby that we’ve been to a few times before. They have started serving breakfast on Sundays so I decided I would be fun to have breakfast instead of lunch. My breakfast came with a choice of bread so I asked for a biscuit. It was an okay biscuit but what made it even better was the apple jelly I put on it. Yummy, yummy! It was one of those little containers of jelly put out by Smuckers that a lot of restaurants carry.

Norm and I went to the grocery store this afternoon and I suggested we get peanut butter and jelly because ever since yesterday I’ve been wanting that apple jelly. Much to my dismay there was no apple jelly to be found anywhere! Ten different brands of jelly and not one of them have apple jelly. Why is that? Now I’m going to have to hunt for it all over town.

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How should I celebrate?

My blogiversary is coming up on the 17th and I’m trying to figure out how I should celebrate. If you don’t know what it means, a blogiversary is the anniversary of the date I began blogging. So it will be one year for me as a full-fledged blogger. What are your suggestions on how I should celebrate this momentous occasion?

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Warm Fuzzy Creatures

There’s nothing more fun than sitting next to my husband watching TV and having one of my cats curled up in my lap. Pure bliss! There’s something very special about those warm fuzzy creatures. Tonight it was GG, who normally doesn’t like to be held, but lately has been rather fond of curling up in my lap while letting me pet her while she purrs and goes to sleep.

Is there a similar feeling when a mother holds her child while she sleeps in her lap? I wondered about this while I gently stroked GG’s back. It must be frightening to hold your baby knowing that he or she depends on you for so very much and yet at the same time it must be such a joy. There’s a part of you that will go on and live life all over again. While it is pleasurable to hold my cats they will never provide me with the fulfillment of motherhood.

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24: Day 5 10:00 P.M.

Jack admits to Buchanan that he is scared because he is convinced that Henderson was only following orders from someone higher up. Why is Jack scared? (More on this in a minute.)

Then as the episode progresses we learn that Henderson has kidnapped Evelyn’s daughter to force her to give up evidence she has that proves who is behind “the conspiracy and the events” of the day. Wayne Palmer and Jack help her get her daughter back and try and capture Henderson, but Henderson gets away. Evelyn tells Jack it’s not the vice president who is involved in the conspiracy. Then we see that Henderson is on the phone with President Logan and assures him that he will kill Jack and Wayne and suppress any evidence they might have.

Now we are to think that it’s President Logan who’s been behind everything. But let’s look at a few things. In previous episodes we find that it is Walt Cummings, Logan’s chief of staff, who is involved with the conspiracy and Logan seems to know nothing about it. Cummings says that he is part of a group who are trying to cause a military presence in Central Asia to guarantee the flow of oil. Henderson is also part of this same group. Also, in looking back at last season, Day 4, we find that Cummings is the one who ordered the kill on Jack Bauer because they were afraid he would give away secret sensitive information while in the custody of the Chinese. I think this is why Jack is scared, because he realizes that whoever is the leader of this group certainly wants to see him dead and will stop at nothing to do it. CTU is now in the hands of Homeland security and Bill Buchanan is gone. Right now Jack’s only allies are Audrey and Chloe. Of course Wayne Palmer is helping him but he doesn’t have much power. Jack can’t trust the president or the vice president or anyone in their cabinet. He certainly is in a bad situation!

I’m not sure if this really answers many questions, but it certainly helps to remember some of these details in trying to figure out the story. I’m still convinced that the vice president is involved in this somehow. Logan can’t be the one who is completely behind everything because he just doesn’t have the guts for it. It will be interesting to see what happens next. That’s why I like this show!

my previous posts
24: Day 5 9:00 p.m.
24: Day 5 8:00 p.m.
Jack Bauer Cried
Things I Learn While Watching 24
24 and Star Trek

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