Anniversary is Coming

Hi, it’s me, Mr. Karen…or to his friends just plain old Norm, punching away at the keyboard of my computer while Karen is doing something else.   I have to admit that I like writing her blogs for her.   Gives me a large audience.

Now I’m not going to say, click here , in order for you to see what I am blogging about.     You can, mind you, do so and it will take you somewhere, but I’m going to let you see pictures of me as a DANCER.

I have been uploading to my computer pictures that were taken by my Dad back in the late 1950s.   This picture was taken at a Square Dance at the Ride-N-Rock Ranch in Scottsdale.   My parents would spend several weeks there each year back then.   I would later attend Orme Ranch School that was between Scottsdale and Flagstaff.

Well here I am dancing away.

Had I not found the picture in over 500 35 mm slides that my brother found and brought over here, I would not remember dancing the night away.

In the morning I needed rest.

Our anniversary is coming up. I loved to dance the night away with Karen.