Christmas Day

Vacation story part three is all about Christmas Day spent at my brother’s house.   It was a wonderful time spent with my brother and his wife, their three daughters, my sister-in-law’s mother, my parents and Norm and myself.   We ate a delicious meal, opened presents and watched San Diego Chargers football and a movie on my brother’s very large flatscreen TV.   He’s using some kind of TV mounts to hang that large sucker on the wall in his living room.   It’s almost like being at the theater.   It was fun watching the movie Up with my nieces and the rest of the family.   Norm and I don’t usually watch cartoon flicks, but this one was pretty good.   If you haven’t seen it you should because it will make you laugh and even cry a little.

1 Comment

  1. GrannyJ
    Jan 11, 2010

    I too watched Up, with my Gdotter, who had turned the living room into a theater, with signs explaining just what we were watching, plus soovenirs that we should buy after the movie was over…