Table Conversation

So, we are having lunch with another couple at a trendy place. There’s lots of things to talk about. Books read, movies watched, work challenges, family and politics. Somehow though the conversation gets around to health issues. I’m sitting there listening to my husband talk about his new prescription for this and a new pill that, etc. It hits me that we’ve entered that stage of life where your latest health saga is common fodder.

Seems like I remember a time in my life, say 15 to 20 years ago, when my lunch mates and I discussed other things. Our conversations usually revolved around which guys we were interested in rather than matters of health.   The only time medications entered the conversation was when someone was telling about the newest diet pill they were trying.   Yes, my life is different now, very different.   But I like it.

1 Comment

  1. Norm
    Jun 16, 2009

    Finding the right guy is very healthy. Don’t you think?