The Talk of the Restaurant

After our visit to see one of our favorite servers at Red Robin North Scottsdale, it seems that Norm and I have become the talk of Red Robin staff at the Tempe restaurant.   On a recent visit to the Tempe location all of the servers who know us came by our table, one by one, and said they had received a text message or a phone call from Samantha telling of our visit to her.   Talk about being celebrities.

I’ve always wondered what it must be like to be a server in a restaurant.   I even play those silly games on Yahoo that simulate being a server in a busy restaurant.   It would seem to me that important to have quality footwear when doing such a job.   I wonder how many servers wear Beautifeel shoes ?   One would definitely want something comfortable for that kind of job.   It can get rather crazy being on your feet all day, I’m sure.   At least I’ve got it easy when I play the online games.


  1. Norm
    Apr 5, 2009

    Set the record straight….One Celebrity, I’m just the driver.

  2. GrannyJ
    Apr 5, 2009

    It is very cool when employees at any kind of business get to know you! You begin to feel that they all appreciate your business!