Surviving the Cut

The other day I got an e-mail from one of my friends announcing to us that she survived the cut.   Her company announced layoffs and fortunately she wasn’t on the list of those to go.   Over the years I’ve had many friends, during brief periods of economic downturns, who have lost their jobs due to layoffs.   It can be quite frustrating especially when you train for a career that is no longer viable.   I remember a friend I went to college with who got laid off from the defense industry.   She was able to get a government grant to go back to school and get retraining for another type of job.   I suppose today many people are considering postsecondary technical and vocational courses to see prepare themselves for other opportunities in the job market.   Perhaps the best jobs right now might be in the postsecondary educational system?   Teaching or admissions possibly?   These days it’s anyone’s guess.   Being prepared for other career opportunities never hurts.


  1. grannyj
    Mar 8, 2009

    There are always the very practical trades — plumbing & electrical, for example. In demand when MBAs are having problems…

  2. Charlotte Duplantis
    Mar 8, 2009

    I agree Karen, that’s why my husband went back to school for his MD. Chiropractor’s were seeing this 7 years ago. We could see it going nowhere, and hated the way he had to make a living. It has been a huge sacrifice to make this change, and it has yet to pay off. But we know in our hearts this is the path the Lord wanted us to be on. Time after time God has shown us the way. Be brave and Pray! Change is coming and we need to Pray even more.