The Arrival

Yes, my friends, is me — digitalKaren — finally blogging again!   I have been in San Diego with my parents for almost a month.   Norm is flying in today and I am so excited!   I know he’s excited too!   He doesn’t like to be apart from me and I miss him when he’s not around.   I guess that’s why we got married in the first place.

Christmas is coming and I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present than to be reunited with my husband.   If it weren’t for Google video chat, I think he would’ve gone crazy because he likes to see me on a daily basis.   I must admit I feel the same way most of the time.   (Wink.)

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and my prayer is that you will remember the true reason for the season.   It’s not about decorations and festivities and gifts and crowds.   It’s all about God’s pursuit of us.   My brother talked about it yesterday at church. We don’t need to go out and find God ourselves because he is pursuing us.   Have you noticed?   You think about it.