Geeky Mystery

Having been a blogger for three years and designing and developing websites for 10 years, I rely on my ability to learn new things and solve problems.   Yesterday I had one of those weird things happen that can only be explained by my inner geek.   I recently upgraded to the newest version WordPress 2.5.1, but I’ve been having trouble with the add media function.   I can upload images through it, but I cannot insert them into posts.   It’s frustrating when you have a problem you can’t figure out how to solve, and there’s a part of me that just won’t quit until I figured out.

So yesterday evening I spent several hours trying to solve this problem.   I searched through the WordPress forums to see if others were having the same issue and tried doing the recommended steps to no avail.   Then, it was as if someone turned on the lights in my brain and I figured out the problem.

For whatever reason the insert image function won’t work when using tabs in Firefox or Internet Explorer.   You must open a new window, or don’t use tabs when logging in to your WordPress blog.   It works perfectly if you don’t use tabs.   What a strange bug!


  1. Norm
    Apr 29, 2008

    Nothin Geeky about you, with or without lights

  2. Dixie Sampier
    May 2, 2008

    Yea, Karen! go girl! That’s my girl! Good for you and your perseverance, I’m so proud of you. I’m glad you found the solution.