Autumn in Scottsdale

The weather is more comfortable these days and the signs of autumn are everywhere around town.   More people everywhere you go because snowbirds are starting to show up.   Flowers are blooming now that it’s in the 80s instead of the 100s during the days and the cool 60s at night.   There’s also a distinct barnyard smell of manure around the neighborhood for those who are seeding for their winter lawn.   We gave up growing grass a few years ago.

Another thing that’s a sure sign its autumn — we won’t be changing our clocks tonight.   That’s one of the things I like about living in Arizona because we never have to change our clocks.


  1. Karen Abu Saada
    Oct 28, 2006

    :smile:That was a great article! I really like the look of your blog. It’s funny, but here in Gaza, we have had our clocks changed back since the beginning of Ramadan, September 23, 2006. It made it easier for their fasting since it cut out an hour of fast time by turning them back. They break fast at sundown.

    Keep praying for the Muslims here so that they can come to know the Lord.—Love in Him — Karen, Hope for Ishmael

  2. Vanda
    Oct 30, 2006

    We changed our clocks back on Saturday. I’ve been ofline for about 5 days with the bug we’ve both had. I wish I’d get really ill or sart feeling better, bah!