Grief Is Hard

Recently I lost a member of my family to cancer. She was a dearly loved person who was beautiful both inside and out. This is the first time that I’ve dealt with grief over the death of someone close to my own age. Grief is difficult and hard, but also a necessary part of life. I am blessed though to know that I will see her again in heaven. As a Christian we have that hope because of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and the power of his resurrection from the dead. As he said to his disciples, he is in heaven preparing a place for us. I know that Ashley is there and that one day I too will be there when my time has come.

1 Comment

  1. Tracy
    Jul 27, 2012


    We are so sorry ro hear of your loss. Your blog is a true testiment of your faith in the Lord and I know you will see her in heaven one day. May the Lord grant the peace and acceptance that only He can provide.