Ready for a dip in the pool.

It’s been a strange couple of weeks around here. Our house was broke into last weekend. At first we didn’t think anything was taken, but then a couple of days later Norm went to get some quarters out of the drawer in the jewelry box where he keeps them. All of them were gone! He said there were about eight dollars in quarters and dimes in that drawer along with a couple of coins his father had given him years ago. I think they were half dollars. It’s the first time in 15 years we were broke into.

Then, this past week, Norm was rear-ended on his way home from dropping me off at an appointment. Fortunately it was only minor damage. But, this means we will be without our van for at least a week, maybe two weeks, while the repairs are being done. We’ll be using a rental van during that time and thank God we have insurance to cover that cost.

After all the excitement I’d like to do something crazy like going swimming! A pentair pool sure sounds good right now. We’ll have to put one in the backyard, when our ship comes in of course!