Can you keep a secret?

My wonderful husband and I rescued an abandoned shopping cart.  We were driving through part of town that’s rather industrial looking with lots of metal buildings around.  We go there as our secret way to get to In & Out Burger.  One day we noticed a couple of those grocery store type shopping carts along the side of the road.  I suggested to Norm that it would be handy to have one of those around the house so we could use it to bring all the bags of groceries in when we get home from the store.  We both laughed about it and went on.  Then, Norm was driving along the same area by himself a few weeks later and saw the same abandoned shopping carts.  So he brought one home.  It doesn’t have any identification as to which store it came from; it was just sitting out there all by itself exposed to the elements.  Now it has a good home and we make good use of it.  I hope we don’t get in trouble!

1 Comment

  1. kris
    Jan 29, 2012

    you’re in BIG TROUBLE missy! just kidding hey did you notice the hyperlink to the metal buildings goes to some ad for metal sheds, that autoplays a really loud advertisement. If I were you, I’d have the hyperlink lead to a jpg of THE metal buildings you SAW instead of going to some annoying ad.
