Sweet Nothings

Yesterday we used a lunch club coupon at Cafe Zuzu which entitled us to a free entrée for the purchase of another entrée.   It’s quite a swanky little place at the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale.   We have been going there quite regularly during the summer because twice a month I would get one of their lunch club coupons via e-mail subscription.   They always recognize us when we come in and that’s very nice.

Now that summer is over the hotel is quite busy and it was nice to see so many people there.   It’s mostly a business traveler crowd, but occasionally you will see lovebirds on their honeymoon or some other romantic vacation.   That was the case yesterday.

There was a couple at a table near us who couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.   He was whispering in her ear and she was giggling.   The table on the other side of us was a group of businessmen.   Their conversation was very different from that of the lovebirds.   I couldn’t quite hear what they were talking about, but I did hear one of the businessmen telling the others about his success with chromium polynicotinate.   The lovebirds were not impressed.   They finished their martinis and left arm in arm.   I just giggled to myself and told my husband how much I was enjoying his company.   It was a nice afternoon.