In Which a Bad Experience Turns out Good

So, I’m sitting in my cool air conditioned home (thank you, God, the AC works) on a very hot Scottsdale, Arizona afternoon sipping my favorite piña colada juice and recalling a crazy day we had last week.   It was in excess of 110 ° outside that late afternoon that The Man and I ventured out to do some late lunching and shopping.   After enjoying our lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s we drove to Target.   We probably spent an hour inside target looking for specific items we needed, but could not find, and grabbing a few groceries.

We headed out to the van and loaded up our items in the back.   We got inside and Norm tried to start the engine but it would not turn over because the battery was dead.   We rushed back inside (with some of the grocery items we purchased) where it was much cooler and called our emergency roadside service we pay extra for through our auto insurance plan.   It’s the first time we have ever had to use it.   We found out it was going to be almost an hour before someone could come to our rescue.

There happens to be a Starbucks inside of this Target store.   We decided to wait there since we could see out to the parking lot.   The employees kindly obliged my request to put my milk and cottage cheese in the refrigerator while we waited for help with the battery.   We spent the next hour people watching.   There was even a person at one of the tables with a laptop computer, which got me wishing I had an iPad or a netbook because it would have been a great time to read up on apidexin reviews.

Finally, we saw a tow truck pull into the parking lot and go near our van.   The service man was able to jumpstart our battery and we were on our way home.   Then I remembered that our battery was less than two years old and I purchased it at Wal-Mart when I was in California.   Norm decided we should head on over to Wal-Mart and see if we could get a new battery installed.   It was already after six o’clock so I was concerned that we might be too late to get it done that day.   We pulled into the auto service area at Wal-Mart at 6:45 PM and the sign said they closed at 7 PM.   To make an already long story short, they tested our battery and determined it was bad and replaced it under warranty for free!

So, what started out as a bad experience turned into something good.   Praise God!