Are they reading my blog?

So, last week I wrote to you, dear readers, about how friendly my neighborhood Basha’s supermarket is whenever Norm and I do business there.   I wrote that it was a better experience than we ever had at Safeway.   We haven’t shopped at Safeway for a couple of months, but I wanted to go there today because we were nearby and I needed to get something that I knew they carried.   Safeway, overall, is a fancier supermarket and sometimes I like that.   I mean how cool is it when the store managers are wearing bow ties?

Today, the young lady working in the bakery department was especially talkative and friendly when I inquired about about pumpkin pie.   Unfortunately they didn’t have any left but, she assured me there would be more in the next couple of days.   Later, when we were in the checkout line, the cashier was quite amusing and pulling jokes with Norm.   Sometimes he can be a bit sarcastic and she was right there with him the whole way.   She even had the bagger at her checkout line and the one in the line next to her laughing right along.   Definitely not our normal experience at Safeway.   So that gets me thinking that perhaps they are reading my blog and wanted to make sure we got a great experience today.