Backup Plan

Have you ever tried those online backup services?   I have not and I’ve wondered if they’re any good.   Although I’ve never suffered a hard drive failure, I do think it’s good to have a backup of data files from my computer.   A few years ago I invested in an external hard drive.   That’s been my backup plan for quite a while now and it seems to work pretty good.   In some ways I think it might be better than online backup services.   If for some reason you can’t access your Internet connection, then having an external backup drive is the next best thing.   Now I just have to remember to run my backup program before I shut off my computer.   A good backup plan doesn’t work if you don’t execute it.

1 Comment

  1. GrannyJ
    Oct 16, 2009

    Well put — and a reminder that I have a H*U*G*E file of pictures that need regular backing up on my external drive…