Monday Happenings

Our usual Monday routine took place today.   Norm takes his walk in the morning while I check/update e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.   He does similar when he returns from his walk.   Sometimes we talk about the day’s agenda as well.   On this particular day we head to an appointment with our local chiropractor.

After my neck and his back are massaged and adjusted, we head to lunch.   Sometimes we debate over where to go, but today we decided we needed to visit our friend Samantha at Red Robin North Scottsdale.

Since the weather was quite comfortable today and much better than last week, we sat out on the patio.   We were the only people on the patio.   It was clean and tidy.   We had a nice visit with Samantha in between her serving other tables.   She’s sweet and fun to chat with.

Aside: I wonder if they use patio furniture covers?   Perhaps they have someone clean off all the chairs and tables before the restaurant opens.   It seems like our patio furniture is always dirty.   That’s what happens when you live in a very dusty and dry environment.

We returned home and I finished up some work on various projects.   It seems I’m always working on various and sundry projects.   Most of them are top secret, so I won’t divulge anything here.

Now I am thinking about dinner and what we will watch on TV this evening.   I just looked at TV Guide online and it will be a full lineup for us.   House at 7 PM, 24 at 8 PM and then CSI: Miami at 9 PM.   I’m hoping we get to bed between 10:30 and 11 PM.   Perhaps tonight I won’t have as many strange dreams as I did last night.   It’s funny how they are so vivid in your mind when you first wake up but by this hour of the day they are so fuzzy you could begin to explain it to anyone.   Sigh.

So what is your Monday like?