Necessary Pleasures

There are some things in life that are just necessary and yet they are also pleasurable.   Take for instance pedicures.   Healthy feet need good hygiene.   I’m not able to trim my own toenails or exfoliate my feet because of my limited mobility.   Therefore I make it a habit to get a pedicure now and then.   I have found a wonderful person, Suzanne, a.k.a. the Nail Goddess, who gives the best manicures and pedicures in all of Scottsdale.   I went in the other day and she made my feet feel wonderful.   Now I must admit that sometimes I don’t enjoy the entire pedicure process, but that’s only because I have very sensitive feet.   Suzanne does her best to keep me comfortable.   For that I am most grateful.

I’ve known Suzanne for probably two years.   Whenever I get a manicure or pedicure we usually talk quite a bit but sometimes it’s just a good time to be quiet.   During my pedicure I can reflect on many things.   As I enjoy soaking my feet in a warm bath my mind wanders.   Sometimes I think about projects I need to complete or fun activities I want to do with Norm.   Other times I think about random stuff like fuel gauges, tape drives, HDTV and the latest fashions in shoes.   Yes, I have a weird brain.

So, what would you think about during a pedicure?


  1. pj
    Jan 17, 2009

    Whay am I doing here? I hope nobody sees me!

  2. pb
    Jan 19, 2009

    No pedicures for me. Can’t stand feet; can barely stand to touch my own.

    Now the MS creates such a confusion of dysaethesia, any touch could be come agony.

    Now for the stupid part; whenever I have to wait, I think about either gaming or blogging. I plan future strategies.

    That’s what I would think about if I could stand to have someone give me a pedicure.