It’s Party Time

December is always a popular month for having parties or going to parties. The husband and I are not avid partiers, though we do get invited to a few now and then. Last Wednesday we were planning to attend a Christmas party for our LifeGroup. It was going to be fun, but I woke up with an intestinal virus that day and had to call in our regrets. It turns out others were not feeling well with colds and whatnot, so the hostess canceled the party. Too bad.

Tomorrow we’ll be at the church‘s Christmas party. It’s going to be a lot of fun with a white elephant gift exchange and an ugliest Christmas sweater contest. The husband has dutifully put the digital camera battery on the recharger so we can take a few shots of all the fun. (No guarantees they’ll get posted here.)

Oh, by the way, if you’re in the mood for Christmas music hop on over to the husband’s blog to get your fill of standards and some you may have never heard before. The third song on the set is one I know you will all love.