Second Life

Yesterday I decided to visit the virtual world Second Life. I created an avatar and tried to complete the tutorials so I would have the ins and outs of how to move around and communicate and change my appearance and build things. I didn’t get very far as there seemed to be a bug in one of the tutorials and it wouldn’t let me finish. It was dinner time so I came back later and tried again. Let me just say it’s a very strange place and I don’t think I’ll be visiting there too often. It was interesting though to look around all the different buildings and things that people had created their with premium accounts (which you have to pay money for). Some people have some very creative homes there and I like the use of light sconces everywhere.

The bad thing about it is that the program crashed on me three times last night. So I’m going to give it two out of five stars.

1 Comment

  1. Jon Acuff
    Nov 27, 2007

    I have not tried it yet but I know at work we’ve thought about building a virtual store within Second Life.