Hang’n with Baby Spice

kknbabyspice.JPGNorm is doing better and I’m still in San Diego where it’s over 20 degrees cooler than Scottsdale.

Today I’m hanging out with my youngest niece Baby Spice. She is almost 3. We looked at pics of my cats, played a computer game, video chatted with Uncle Norm, watched Sesame St, took pictures, ate lunch and now we are watching JJ the Jet Plane. I’m tired!


  1. Vanda
    Sep 8, 2007

    Cute picture Karen. I’m so glad Norm is feeling a bit better. Enjoy the cooler weather.

  2. julie woodman
    Sep 8, 2007

    I’ll bet you’re your tired! I had my granddaughter for a weekend while her parents were prepping to move. Whew! It was wonderful and oh so tiring.