And She’s Off…

… to visit family in San Diego.   I’m leaving Monday and am looking forward to getting out of the heat.   It’s been hovering around 110 °F all week and I’m ready for some cool ocean breezes.     BTW: I learned this week while watching something on the Discovery Channel that crusted over lava fields in Hawaii radiate heat at least 110 °F so living in Scottsdale during the summer is like living on a lava field in Hawaii.

I’ll be staying with Mom and Dad and visiting my grandmother, brother, sister-in-love and the Spice Girls — a.k.a. my nieces.   It occurred to me one day that their personalities definitely fit in with the names Sporty Spice, Posh and Baby Spice.

It seems that I’ll also be doing some history exploration while in San Diego as the Dead Sea Scrolls will be on exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum.   Should be fun!

My wonderful husband Norm will be staying home while I’m in San Diego.   I know it’s not easy for him to let me go — but he needs a much-needed break from the caregiving duties that he so lovingly performs each and every day.