Another Reason…

… to fund adult stem cell research, not human embryonic stem cell research:

In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood.   The results show that insulin-dependent diabetics can be freed from reliance on needles by an injection of their own stem cells.

Many treatments are being discovered through stem cell therapy research that does not use human embryonic stem cells.   There are no treatments (none, nada, zero) using embryonic stem cells, which are the early stages of human life.   Don’t waste tax dollars on research that has yielded no results and will cause the destruction of human life.   And for the record, there is no ban on embryonic stems of research in the US.


  1. Norm
    Apr 10, 2007

    😐 Can anyone tell me why the people in Washington aren’t able to find this information? Can anyone tell me why they are always so welling to spend tax dollars on things that don’t work? Maybe there should be money spent on those who go to Washington and contract the “fever”. 🙁

  2. March Hare
    Apr 11, 2007

    Happy Easter!

    I agree with Norm. D.C. has to know the truth. Why are they ignoring this? Is it to mitigate some of their guilt over abortion?

  3. Tommaso
    Apr 11, 2007

    If you’re morally opposed to embryonic stem-cell research then it shouldn’t matter if the results are promising or not. Conversely, if you don’t have a problem with responsible embryonic stem cell research (like me) then there’s no reason to stop researchers who think it’s a promising field.

  4. annette
    Apr 12, 2007

    I just started reading your blog. Very well structured and the info is what we all need to hear.

    Peace all
    vent user..pps