True Norm

So this evening Norm and I went to a movie since we haven’t been in so many months I can’t remember the last thing we saw.   Tonight we enjoyed Music & Lyrics which was a terrifically funny romantic comedy.   Norm wasn’t really keen on going to see this movie but he gives in to me because he knows that I usually pick good ones.

We’re sitting there in the theater, holding hands at times, and enjoy a good laugh.   There is this one scene where two people are singing in a recording studio.   It wasn’t a particularly funny scene, or even romantic, but Norm found something very special about it.   That’s when I heard him say, “Wow, look at that microphone!”   That’s my Norm.

1 Comment

  1. julie woodman
    Mar 21, 2007

    Yep — guys & gear. It works every time!