Cold and Colder

Sunny blue skies but extremely cold weather today in the Sonoran Desert of Scottsdale, Arizona. It stayed in the mid-50s today and right now it’s in the 40s. It might even freeze tonight. Definitely sweater weather! I had my first hot chocolate of the holiday season and boy was it good. Thank you Norm for making the Starbucks run while I slaved away on the computer this afternoon.

My cat Miss Ellie comes in from the cold, gets a few nibbles of kibble, and then jumps up in my lap to get warm. She can be very demanding this time of year when she’s cold and wants me to warm her up. Last night she jumped up on my desk and sat in front of my computer screen so I couldn’t do any work until I put her in my lap. Miss Ellie definitely prefers the heat of summer rather than the cold of winter. Oh here she comes now — I won’t be able to blog anymore tonight.