Happy Thanksgiving

Norm and I will be spending Thanksgiving at the home of our friends Terry and Tracy.   We are so looking forward to spending some time with them tomorrow.   They are a really nice couple we met at church and this year we have gotten to know them quite well.

Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect upon one’s life.   I am thankful first of all for the grace of God in my life because without him my life would be meaningless.   God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and parents and brother and sister-in-law and three beautiful nieces and of course dozens upon dozens of extended family.   I have wonderful friends here in Scottsdale and elsewhere around the world and I am thankful for them all.

Oh — I almost forgot — I am thankful for getting out of jury duty today!   I received a jury summons for Scottsdale City Court and I was supposed to appear today.   Last night I called the number on the jury summons to find out what time I should report today, but the recording stated that all jurors were excused from duty since the court would be closed today.   And even better than that is the fact that we are only required to serve one day of jury duty in the state Arizona so I have fulfilled my obligation for the year.   If you get selected for trial, of course you have to serve the entire period of the case, but if you don’t get appointed to a trial jury you only have to serve one day.   I think that’s pretty cool.   In California I served on a jury and that was enough for me.