Birthday Recap

Yesterday was a nice day!   Norm took me to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Charleston’s in North Scottsdale, and arranged for some friends to meet us for desert.   What a nice surprise from my husband.   My friends spoiled me with chocolate so I will have plenty to last me for a while.   I guess everyone knows what I like.

Norm got me an MP3 player for my birthday.   After a lot of research online I decided to try the SanDisk Sansa, but after playing with it for a couple of hours I realized it was not a good fit for me because I could not control some of the buttons.   So we took it back and got the Creative Zen V Plus and it’s working out just great for me.   We also got a device that allows you to play the audio from the Zen on the car stereo or the home stereo via an FM transmitter.   Haven’t tried that out yet.   And today we got new headphones for me because the ones supplied with the player were the kind that fit inside your ear and I don’t like the way it feels.   We got something from RadioShack that Sony makes and it fits around the back of your neck and then has pieces that go over your ear like a regular headphone set.   That way you don’t get headphone hair!

A couple of months ago we got a free Wal-Mart music downloads card with $25 loaded on it for having someone give us a sales pitch for a product.   We didn’t buy the product but we got the free card anyways, so I purchased some music and downloaded it from the Wal-Mart site.   Once I got all the bugs worked out with Wal-Mart’s tech support (which was the best telephone tech support I had from anybody) everything worked out great.   I must remember next time that I have to play all the songs on my computer before I load them onto my MP3 player.   The licenses to use the music don’t download until you play the song once on your computer.

Right now I’m listening to some favorite tunes and it’s so nice!   Thanks so much Norm.   And a very special thank you to all of you who left me birthday wishes on my blog.:smile:


  1. NormB
    Oct 18, 2006

    :smile:Thank you for all the wonderful things you do for me! There are days when it’s your smile that keeps me going!:lol:

  2. Aaliyah
    Oct 21, 2006

    Nice spaceeeeeee