Just Call Me Cecil

It’s been a crazy week around our house with lots of stuff going on.   We got a call from one of the pastors at our church asking if Norm could shoot and edit a video project that would be used this Sunday.   Norm asked me to come along and I became the de facto director.   I remember as a child my mother always said that I played the part of the director or the foreman whenever my brother and I and other children would play together.   She was right — I’m a natural director and I really enjoy it!   We shot some video of people reading lines over a two-day period and then we spent part of yesterday and most of today editing the video.   It was definitely a lot of work but we also enjoyed it and I think it will add to Sunday’s message.

On the way home from the first evening’s video shoot Norm suggested we change my name to Cecil.


  1. NormB
    Oct 6, 2006

    :smile:Take Two:grin:

  2. Tracy
    Oct 6, 2006

    Even though I do appreciate your abilities as a wonderful director….I don’t think I can call you Cecil. Sorry!