PC Housekeeping

Since we weren’t invited to any barbecues this weekend I decided to clean house in my computer.   My computer’s startup folder had become quite bloated so I thought it would be best to just chuck everything.   After giving that careful consideration I chose to look up all those weird listings in the system configuration file (a.k.a. msconfig) on the Internet.   I was able to remove about two dozen useless items.   Now my computer runs clean!   I did the same thing for Norm’s computer and his runs a lot better now.

Maybe next time there’s a holiday weekend I’ll have something more exciting to do!

1 Comment

  1. Vanda
    Sep 5, 2006

    I wish I knew what to keep and what I can get rid of on my start up. Takes mine aaaaages to load.

    BTW Karen, sniff my kids, grandchildren and great granddaughter all live in Southern California, sniff sniff sniff.