
Update: I found some roasted hazelnuts at the Wild Oats Marketplace in Scottsdale!
Hazelnuts are my favorite nuts. They’re also known as filberts. I like them roasted with a little bit of salt. Unfortunately I can’t find roasted hazelnuts anywhere except as part of a deluxe nuts mix.

(Vanda — this post was just for you. I hope you get Bloglines figured out. You might want to delete your subscription to me and then visit my website and “sub with Bloglines” from there.)

1 Comment

  1. Vanda
    Sep 2, 2006

    Ah ha! So far it’s working.

    I’ve haven’t met a nut I didn’t like. LOL. My nephew works in a nut factory and I gave him some money to buy nuts from the employee shop. Three huge bags of cashews for less than a fiver. Mmmmmmmmm.