Kitten Dreaming

Each evening when I go for my stroll around the neighborhood I see two little kittens playing in the yard of a house about two blocks away from mine. They are so adorable and I want to pick them up and hold them so much, but they run away when they see me because they are frightened of my wheelchair.

kitten.jpgThe other night I had a dream about kittens. I was holding one and it was purring. That is the most wonderful sound and feeling in the whole world. Here is a picture of my GG when she was just a tiny kitten. She doesn’t like to be held anymore. Oh well.

1 Comment

  1. Vanda
    Aug 16, 2006

    It’s so strange when snuggley kittys turn out to be not so snuggley. She is cute though. I miss having a kitty but Spike would not approve.