DIY is Never as Simple as They Say It Will Be

My apologies for not posting much lately. I’m in the midst of a DIY remodel/conversion of my blog. I’m switching to WordPress and it’s not quite as easy to convert as I thought it would be. Hopefully I will have things working in a couple of days.

Bear with me! Thanks.

If you are using WordPress please recommend your favorite plug-ins and widgets.


  1. pj
    Jul 3, 2006


  2. sarahk
    Jul 4, 2006

    spam karma 2
    lazyest gallery
    less is more
    inline comments (related to less is more, i think)
    comment quicktags
    iimage browser
    live comment preview
    recent comments
    recent posts

    yes. wordpress is more difficult, especially for those of us who are php and css impaired. but it’s so much faster than MT.

    btw, the WYSIWYG editor is more trouble than it’s worth, if you ask me.

    the hardest part is the theme thing. stylesheet and index. it makes my head hurt.

  3. sarahk
    Jul 4, 2006

    btw, if you need the links for those plugins, let me know. but they’re all linked to from the wordpress pages. the tools tab or something like that.