Is It Still Spring?

It’s not officially summer yet but we’re sweltering in triple digits around here. 111 ° today! It’s after 10 p.m. now and it’s still 95 ° outside. Can’t wait for summer! (Yeah right.)

Not Only Is It Hot…

At 7% relative humidity it’s bone dry too. Here is the evidence I found in my backyard. This poor lizard probably fell victim to one of my felines. He is now being munched on by a milkweed bug.

Here’s a better view with a contrasting background. Quite an interesting skeleton — it’s the first time I’ve ever seen one intact. Usually the cats devour the whole thing. I’m not sure how they managed to skin this one. What a mystery! Norm and I are ready to audition for CSI: Phoenix. Gil Grissom would be proud!


  1. pj
    Jun 14, 2006

    Maybe he could not find water – he was crawling across the vast expanse of wasteland out side your door and paid no attention the words he was hearing. “Don’t you listen to him Dan, He’s a devil not a man and he spreads the burning sand, with water” but not a drop to drink – at least not for this lizard!

  2. Vanda
    Jun 14, 2006

    To hot, to hot LOL. I can’t stand the heat after being back home for nearly six years, talk about a wimp!

    Great pictures Karen, Gil would be proud of you;-)Love that show, except the NY one. It is so black and white. Make me wonder if NY has any colour at all.

  3. GrannyJ
    Jun 18, 2006

    Nice pix, Karen, especially that fine skeleton! Reminds me that my Max cat, who was an indoors cat for his first couple of years, has discovered the lizards that abound hereabouts. He brings the poor things to me after they’re dead & whimpers that I should fix his broken toys.