Boysenberry Jam Poster Child

Yesterday while we were at the Wal-Mart supercenter buying groceries I found a seedless boysenberry jam made by Knott’s Berry Farm. I haven’t had boysenberry jam for years because I don’t like the seeds although I love the flavor. I just finished a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich made with this seedless boysenberry jam. Oh my goodness it was so good!

me and Walter KnottEating this wonderful jam brought back memories of childhood visits to Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. It was America’s first theme park. In those days back in the late 1960s and very early 1970s there was a Ghost Town with a Calico Mine Ride and a Timber Mountain Log Ride in which you rode inside of a log canoe type thing through a water trough. I thought it was a lot of fun back when I was five or six years old. They had a chicken dinner restaurant that served fried chicken dinners and boysenberry pie. Yummy!

I was privileged to meet Walter Knott, founder of Knott’s Berry Farm. I don’t exactly remember the circumstances of the meeting except that I was a poster child for MDA that year, and I along with a boy whom I don’t remember had our photos taken with Mr. Knott. He was a nice old man.


  1. Vanda
    Jun 5, 2006

    Talk abour bring back memories. I went to Knotts for the first time in 1960. The last time I went with my grandchildren it had changed so much. Mmmmm Knotts Berry Farm jam/jelly mmmmm

  2. GrannyJ
    Jun 5, 2006

    Hi — long before you were born, Libby canned loganberry juice. It was so good — tasted much like boysenberries. In fact, one reason I allow the existence of a couple of the coffee shop chains is that they serve a very fine boysenberry pie. Almost as good as rhubarb or raspberry pie!

    Granny J

  3. pb
    Jun 5, 2006

    We had a boysenberry bush in our yard when I was little, but my mom was already too busy (with six of seven kids) to can or preserve anything. We called it poisonberry and kept away from it. Later I was amazed to learn it was “boysenberry” and made some very good baked and canned goods, indeed! In fact our entire yard was deliberately planted with all sorts of fruit trees and bushes. A veritable Eden. Now we can get boysenberry anywhere, and it’s still yummy.

  4. David - 40
    Jun 8, 2006

    The picture is great.

    I just love seeing old pictures like that. Makes me wonder if my boy Aidan will be linking to old posts that I’m writing about us going to the pool or to an amusement park. Won’t that be a wierd future?