Welcome to the Neighborhood

It seems we will be getting new neighbors this weekend. I met the family last weekend when they were doing some work on the house. It’s a rental property and the previous renters had to be evicted. The owner, who used to live in the house, had to get quite a bit of work done getting the place ready for new tenants. Apparently, it wasn’t finished and so the new tenants are doing some of the work themselves. I don’t blame them for wanting to thoroughly clean the place before they move in.

They seem like a nice family with five children. The youngest seems to be a toddler and the oldest is probably around 13. All boys and one young girl. I’ve never been in the backyard but I know there is a pool. I hope, for the sake of the children, that the owner has a cover pool or at least a fence with a lock.

I know one thing for sure, it’s going to be a lot noisier around here. I don’t mind if kids are nice and the parents don’t scream at them. So far from what I’ve observed they seem to be a happy family.