The Arabians are Coming

Arabian horses are a big deal in Scottsdale.  Horses are a prominent part of the history in the Southwest, but especially here in Scottsdale.  All over Old Town you find life-size horse statues that are magnificent creations.  I have a friend who’s really into horses and she owns a couple, but I don’t think there Arabians.  She just loves horses.  And anything having to do with horses, like what you feed them and how to ride them and especially horse equipment, are easily brought up in conversation with her.  I haven’t seen her for a couple of years, but whenever I run into her we always talk about horses, and I don’t even own one!  However, I must admit that part of me would really love to go see the Arabian horse show in February.  Horses are so beautiful to watch and Arabians are among some of the most gorgeous.