Plan D

Last week my husband and I decided at the last minute to go out for dinner.  It was probably close to 7 PM and I didn’t really think it would be that crowded, but I was wrong.  At first we decided to go to Ruby Tuesday but when we got there we saw the parking lot was quite full and there were no handicap spots available.  So, I suggested we go to Red Robin which was just half a block away.  There was plenty of handicap parking available.  We got out of the van and into the restaurant only to turn around and head back out because there were at least two dozen people waiting for a table.  Okay, so plan B didn’t work.

Plan C was to head back to Ruby Tuesday’s with me walking over via my motorized wheelchair and Norm driving the van and looking for a parking spot.  I got into the restaurant only to discover it was just as crowded (why I didn’t think of this before since the parking lot was full, I’ll never understand).

Plan D was In-n-Out Burger.  It was only about two minutes away, and even though it was over 100 °, we ate outside since the sun was almost down and the tables were on the east side of the building.  We enjoyed our burgers.  On our way out the parking lot Norm suggested we go down the road in the opposite direction since we had never been down that road before.  It turns out that it was a shortcut back to the main road we go home on.  We were quite excited with our little adventure and the discovery of a secret pathway.  Sometimes plan D can turn out a lot better than plan A.