Low Battery Warning

So it was a Friday and I got into my motorized wheelchair only to notice that my battery was not at full power.  Norm said that he plugged-in the chair to the battery charger the night before, but it was still only at half power.  We had to get to an appointment so we didn’t have time worry about this right then.  Later that afternoon I noticed my battery was at one third power and I got to thinking that there might be a problem with the battery charger or the battery itself.  Unlike HDMI cables or cell phone batteries, wheelchair batteries and a wheelchair battery charger are not available at the local high-tech warehouse store.  And, since it was a Friday afternoon, I knew something needed to be done right away or I could be stuck immobile for the weekend.

One phone call later to the place where I purchased my wheelchair and we were on our way to downtown Phoenix.  It was already after three o’clock so I dreaded the drive on the I-10 freeway.  It took us about half an hour to get there from Scottsdale.  The battery on my wheelchair is not accessible while I’m sitting in the chair, so I had to have Norm lift me out of the chair and onto another one which is something I really hate to do.  Poor Norm bumped his leg in the process which caused him a painful scrape.  We were there for about an hour and the battery charger and battery checked out okay.  So we went home and plugged-in the charger that night and fortunately the next morning I had a full charge.  Definitely a stressful Friday but a very happy Saturday and rest of the weekend.

Like I’ve said many times before, a gimp girl’s life is never easy.  But it can be a lot of fun!