Happy New Year

Well, a lot has happened in the last couple of weeks.   It seems as though I was just getting ready for Christmas when all of a sudden I ended up in the hospital with a severe kidney stone attack.   The stone was too large to pass on its own, so I had to have surgery on Christmas Eve.   They were able to break up the stone but not remove it due to some complications.   They put in a stent and told me I could go home the next day.   I actually felt much worse after the surgery than before it.   Christmas Day is all a blur since I spent it mostly under narcotic pain medication.   I was able to go home the evening after Christmas, which was Sunday.   It was good to be out of the hospital, but I was quite miserable even at home.   It was more than three days before I began to feel like I might actually get better.

Celebrating Christmas was something I was looking forward to, but being in the hospital it just didn’t happen.   If somebody could have hung some holly and ivy from the wall sconces in my hospital room, I might have felt like Christmas was around.   Alas, hospitals don’t decorate the rooms for Christmas.

My friend has invited us over for dinner this evening.   She wants me to enjoy her Christmas decorations before they come down tomorrow.   How sweet!