Waiting Is Exhausting

We’ve been dealing with Norm’s brother’s health crisis the past couple of days.   He lives here and we are his only relatives in the area, so until his other family members could arrive, we were the ones on call and at the hospital to deal with all the stuff that goes along with being in the hospital.   I’ve definitely come to realize that sitting around and waiting on the next medical personnel or event is exhausting.

Fortunately, his children live only a few hours away, so they are here now and dealing with everything that needs to be done.   Had they lived somewhere far away, like North Carolina, then perhaps we’d still be dealing with everything on our own.   Come to think of it, I do have extended family members who live in North Carolina.   I hope they have health insurance, because hospitalization is expensive.   If they’re smart, they’ll be doing an Internet search for health insurance in nc so they can find a plan they can afford.

Do I sound tired?   Yes, I am.   Like I said before, waiting is exhausting.