Second Chances

Patsy Grimaldi’s Pizza in Old Town Scottsdale is one of our favorite places to eat.   I think they have the best pizza I’ve ever had.   A couple of months ago we went there and had a bad experience.   We thought it was a fluke because 90% of the time it’s great.   We went back a week or so later and it was slightly better but not the best we knew it could be.   We decided to not go there for a month or two and then see what happens.

The other day I got a craving for their delicious pizza and so we decided to give them a second chance.   I’m so glad we did because it was delicious!   It tasted like the pizza we remembered and it was baked just the way we ordered it.

While we were there we ran into someone who works in the building.   We hadn’t seen her for several months and she was excited to see us.   I remarked that she looked great and asked if she had lost weight.   Thinking that she had found one of those diets that work, I was surprised when she told me what happened.   A couple months ago she had a severe gallbladder attack and after a several tests her doctor decided to remove the gallbladder.   She attributed her weight loss to dealing with the surgery and eating a lot better.

Note to self: eat better to avoid gallbladder surgery.